Workshop 1

Regional diversity of European Union

1st Lille Jean Monnet Workshop (2JML)

Thursday 21st April 2016 - European metropolis of Lille

This workshop underlines the diversity of regional situations and organisations in Europe. It deals with the issues and incentives of region-building, and with the development of institutional links between regional authorities and European Union.


(click to download the programme in pdf)

  •  9h : Opening by Thomas Perrin and François-Olivier Seys, leaders of EURÉGIO

  • 9h30-10h : Re-invention of the Region : Why Regional Spaces Matters
    Anssi Paasi (Univ. Oulu)

  • 10h to 10h30 : State rescaling and emergence of the regional scale
    Michael Keating (Univ. Aberdeen)

10h30 to 11h : Break

  • 11h to 11h30 : The regional worlds in Europe: statistical and mapping elements
    François-Olivier Seys (Univ. Lille 1)


  • 11h30 to 12h30 : Debate

12h30 to 14h : Lunch break 

  • 14hto 16h : Parallel round tables

Round table 1
Regionalism and region-building : identity, legitimacy, capacity

Guidance themes and questions :

- Why creating regions, what added value of the regional level?
- Diversity of profiles and competences of regions
- What "makes region"? How to build a regional capacity? What passage from the territorial unit to the institution with transferred competences?
- Historical, geographical, political region : what interactions ? From region to nation, or even to State?
- The New French regions : towards a renewed role? How to achieve legitimacy, identity?​

Participants :

- Martí Anglada Birules, delegate of Catalonia in France and Switzerland
- Sophie Reynaud, director of the competitivness cluster Matikem
- Benoît Guinamard, chargé de mission, project manager, department of Sustainable Development, Prospective and Evaluation, Region Hauts-de-France

Chair : Anssi Paasi, professor of Geography, University of Oulu
Rapporteur : Pauline Ravinet, lecturer  of Political Science, University of Lille 2


Round table 2 :
Regions in European union, European union in the regions

Guidance themes and questions :

- What European issues for the regions?
- How to address the European issues in regional development strategies? And why?
- Why is European Union concerned with regions?
- Can we talk of a Europeanisation of regionalisme in the context of the European Union?
- What perspectives for regions within European Union, and for European Union with the regions?

Participants :

- Vanessa Cuevas-Rubio, European affairs officer, Representation of Region Languedoc-Roussilon-Midi-Pyrénées un Brussels
Philippe Doucet, North section of Union European Federalists France
- Enrico Martial, expert of the AER Observatory on Regionalisation

Chair : Michael Keating, professor, chair in Scottisch Politics, University of Aberdeen
Rapporteur : Philippe Doucet, North section of Union European Federalists France

16h to 16h15 : Break

  • 16h15 to 16h45 : Reporting from the round tables

  • 16h45 to 17h15 : Presentation of the Lille Jean Monnet Student Workshop : Relations and articulations between regions and metropolises in Europe : trends and perspectives
    Célia Clapit, Charles Delecroix, Abdeladim El Gazi, Luc François, students of the Lille Institute of Urbanism and Planning (Click to see the presentation)


  • 17h15 : Closing by Gilles Pargneaux, councilor in charge of Europe and European funding, European Metropolis of Lille + Announcement of the next Lille Jean Monnet Workshop (7th december 2016)


Steering committee, local and non local speakers for the 1st Lille Jean Monnet Workshop



European Metropolis of Lille
Métropole Européenne de Lille,
1 rue du Ballon,
59034 LILLE

Getting to MEL

Please contact Elsa Delfort for further information