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Since December 2016, Gilles Pargneaux is the sponsor of the EURÉGIO project.
Since the launch he has been involved in the project activities, particularly during the Jean Monnet Days in April and December 2016.
(Gilles Pargneaux during the 1st Jean Monnet Workshop in Lille Thursday 21st April 2016 at the European Metropolis of Lille)
(Click on the picture to see the video)
Gilles Pargneaux was born on March 24th 1957 at Harcigny in region Hauts-de-France. He is Member of European Parliament for North-West France since 2009. He is the vice-chair of the committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, member of the committees Foreign Affairs, Budgetary Control and of the subcommittee on Security and Defence.
As MEP he was rapporteur on the Decision on serious cross-border threats to health, co-writer of the Resolution on the food crisis, fraud in the food chain and the control thereof, and fought against the liberalisation of rail industry. He was also rapporteur for the European Parliament resolution about COP21 “Towards a new international climate agreement in Paris”, which defined the position of the European Parliament towards the international negotiation on climate that were hold in Paris from December 7th to 11th, 2015. Gilles Pargneaux was also a member of the European parliamentary delegation to the Paris COP21.
Particularly concerned with the issues of cooperation between the EU, the Maghreb and the Mashreq, he is chair of the EU-Morocco friendship group, vice-chair of the European Parliament delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries and member of the delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union. He currently chairs the PS group at the Métropole européenne de Lille and is metropolitan councillor in charge of Europe and the European funds.
Find an article by Gilles Pargneaux on his involvement in the project by clicking here
Marcelo De Almeida Medeiros at the 2nd Lille Jean Monnet Workshop
The steering committee of the project EURÉGIO is glad to announce the presence of Marcelo De Almeida Medeiros at the 2nd Lille Jean Monnet Workshop which will take place Wednesday 7th December.
He will give a presentation on the topic “The Federative Republic of Brazil: regions, regionalism and foreign policy” (abstract bellow)
Marcelo de Almeida Medeiros received his Ph.D in Political Science from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Grenoble (1997) and his Habilitation Thesis from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris - Sciences Po (2010). He is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE (Recife-Brazil) and PQ-1C Research Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (Brasilia – Brazil).
The Federative Republic of Brazil : regions, regionalism and foreign policy :
Composed of twenty-six states and a federal district, the Federative Republic of Brazil is a key Latin American player on the international scene. Its territorial dimension (sixteen times larger than France), natural resources and economic power make it a so-called emerging or potential superpower. Brazilian foreign policy historically adopted a Grotian approach, i.e, an international sociability rooted in cooperation and based on the Ius Gentium. Despite its linguistic specificity and an imperial political genesis, Brazil has always tried to keep good relationships with its South American neighbours. ALALC, ALADI and Mercosur are recent examples of this trend towards macro-regional cooperation, which shows a tendency of the federated States to assert their autonomy through active paradiplomacy.
EURÉGIO at the Europe Day
From Europe to the citizen : what role for regions and cities? What levers for enhancing adherence to the citizen?,
Europe Day. Towards European citizenship : a metropolitan and regional challenge,
European metropolis of Lille, May 9th, 2016.
The conference, organised during the Europe Day on the initiative of Gilles Pargneaux, MEP and metropolitan councillor of the Métropole européenne de Lille, addresses the definition of regions and metropolis, notably in the context of the territorial reform in France. The conference assumes that these renewed territorial entities can strengthen the link between “Europe” (both as an organisation, the European Union, and as a supranational integration process) and citizens, even though Euroscepticism or rejection of the European Union system are increasing trends among public opinion. However, metropolises and regions, due to their local scope that fosters proximity, can mobilise several levers to rebuild the links citizens / Europe. The Métropole européenne de Lille and the Région Hauts-de-France, thanks to their geohistorical and sociopolitical characteristics, are particularly representative of the possibility to tackle these challenges.
(click to download the program in pdf)
(From left to right : François Olivier Seys, scientific leader of EURÉGIO project, University of Lille, Science and Technology, Véronique Vergès, executive Director for International Relations, Métropole européenne de Lille, Gilles Pargneaux, member of the European Parliament - Delegate in charge of European Affairs, Métropole européenne de Lille, Thomas Perrin, scientific leader of EURÉGIO project, University of Lille, Science and Technology)
EURÉGIO project leaflet :
(click on the picture to enlarge)
1st Lille Jean Monnet Worshop (2JML1) programme :
(click on the picture to enlarge)
2nd Lille Jean Monnet Workshop (2JML2) programme :
(click on the picture to enlarge)
3rd Lille Jean Monnet Workshop (2JML3) programme :
(click on the picture to enlarge)
Lille Jean Monnet Conference (CJML) programme :
(click on the picture to enlarge)
Consult outcomes of the survey realized with the public of EURÉGIO :
(click on the picture to enlarge)